Blinds & Curtain repairs can sometimes be more appropriate and cost effective than replacing damaged or worn items.
We appreciate even though it may be ideal to replace blinds & curtains, repairs to one or more blinds and curtains may have to be implemented as a compromise.
Its not only considerations regarding the budget available but the environmental impact also. Blind & Curtain repairs are far more ecologically friendly than simply throwing away damaged or slightly worn items and starting again.
So if your blinds & curtains are damaged and in need of repair / re lining, we can repair them.
We are happy to work with you and accommodate your needs, we appreciate that repairing or recycling blinds may be preferable. We will be honest with you and discuss your options. If it can be done, we can do it! If our experience suggests it is not possible to make them good as new for a comparative price we can offer a wide range of replacements.